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Why use AppClose over paid alternatives?Why use AppClose over paid alternatives?Why use AppClose over paid alternatives?

Why use FREE AppClose®
over paid alternatives?

With so many online co-parenting tools out there to choose from, it can be difficult to compare the differences or to know which one will provide you with the greatest benefit, at the lowest cost. Unlike alternatives, AppClose was designed from the get-go to offer co-parenting solutions for all types of situations at no charge. Many people assume that “free” translates to lower quality or more hidden fees, but in our case, you’ll actually discover just the opposite.

We continue to meet and exceed user needs and expectations which is why our app is now the #1 Free Co-Parenting App in the United States! Additionally, Courts across the U.S. are now ordering AppClose in lieu of other apps or more expensive web version alternatives.

Let us explain why…

Pricing and Fees

Unlike alternatives, AppClose has no subscription fees or monthly charges. Our cost to benefit far exceeds any other co-parenting tools available on the market today. Common paid alternatives are charging over $100 per year, per person! If your child is young, that’s potentially $1800 down the drain when you could be using AppClose without the burden of another expense.

All of our users have access to all of the benefits of AppClose at no charge. We will never surprise you with -

  • hidden fees;
  • additional charges for increased storage;
  • fees for access to “premium” co-parenting tools; or
  • fees to export AppClose records.

Co-Parenting Tools

AppClose offers its users a variety of useful co-parenting tools that aren’t always offered by paid alternatives. With co-parenting communications, multi-functional calendars, tasks, and data all in one place, these are just a few of the benefits you can expect from AppClose:

  • Communicate children’s activities and appointments –
    When it comes to your child’s busy schedule, we help you stay organized and on the same page with your co-parent or other family members or caregivers. We’ve also made it easy for you to sync (without sharing) your personal calendar to avoid any scheduling conflicts.
  • Create and share parenting schedules —
    Creating a parenting schedule from scratch can be quite time consuming, but our parenting schedule templates make schedule creation and sharing super easy!
  • Track child-related expenses —
    Our expense tracker allows you to enter expenses you want to save, export, share, or submit for reimbursement.
  • Send or receive reimbursement requests (with or without documentation) —
    After requests are made, you also have the ability to send or receive payment for such requests.
  • Pick Up / Drop Off / Swap Days Requests —
    If you need to change a pick up or drop off time, or make a request to swap parenting days, we have tools to help you do that while maintaining records of those requests.
  • Built-in scanning features —
    You have the ability to scan and send receipts or other documentation right from your phone.
  • Real-time messaging —
    Communicate by text with the added benefit of organizing conversations by topic or expenses. In order to preserve accurate communications between parties, messages are dated and time stamped after being sent and cannot be altered or deleted.
  • Important child-related information —
    You have the ability to store and share important child-related information (i.e. medical, child care providers, etc.) with your co-parent or other third parties (i.e. stepparents, grandparents, caregivers, professionals, etc.).
  • Preserve and export documentation for litigation purposes -
    You can easily export accurate communication records, reimbursement requests or payments, and other information as needed. Upon written request, AppClose can provide you or your attorney with a business records affidavit for a small fee.
  • Built-in payment solution —
    AppClose has its own secure, built-in payment solution called ipayou. ipayou allows users to easily send and receive money for reimbursement obligations. While AppClose tracks expenses, ipayou works in conjunction with AppClose to track payments made towards those expenses.

* ipayou is free for the first 6 months. After 6 months, a processing fee of $2.50 per transaction is applied. While our users gain an added benefit by using ipayou, they are not required to do so and have the ability to send reimbursement requests through AppClose and make payments for reimbursements using other means.

AppClose Solo

AppClose Solo is a unique and exclusive feature only available to AppClose users, allowing you to send requests or events to non-connected co-parents, family members, or other third parties via text, e-mail, or social media. You can even attach receipts and documents.

When a request or event is sent to a non-connected party, that person is then notified with a link to view and respond to your request or event. This allows you to keep accurate records of your attempts to send and inform others of important information concerning your child within your AppClose account. You can even export and print any records you might need for free with access to all the other benefits of AppClose.


And as always, we value your feedback. Please feel free to contact us with feedback
or questions at